Sunday, October 18, 2009


Indulgences: pinkberry run at night, wearing my new shoes, browsing culture events, venting sesh, blogging instead of doing work
Loves: Taylor Momsen, personal and meaningful conversations, The Pretty Reckless, doing almost anything with th
e word sesh, making everything a ____ sesh.
Desires: to watch something during the film festival, go to the truffle tasting, to go shopping, to go to LA fashion month, to watch New York, I love you, and the september issues, and a plethora of other movies, to do something unique, to improve in guitar skills, to start sewing

Not everyone can model. Proof: my picture. Believe it or not, this was one of the BETTER of the takes. sad, ain't it? I was helping out Nathan
for his photography assignment. But not going to lie, it was pretty fun. I'd love to have little photography seshes with anyone.(: Even IF i don't own a SLR. Love...taylor momsen. Loved her for quite a long time. What's making me love her more? her great photos and new knowledge that she sings.

So, for quite some time now, i've been oh so tempted to include a dislike, or something of the such section in my blogs. But I think if i begin to do that, i'll start to focus on more negative things rather than positive. So, I've changed my mind. I should also probably limit my want section, since it makes me focus on what i don't have. Sigh, oh well. I want to watch a million batrillion different movies. I also want to do like a WHOLE buncha cultured stuff. food festivals, film festivals, fashion month shows, indie films, art galleries, all of the sort. I also want to start listening to more classical music and a broader range of music. Also wishing for some make up lessons, cause i definitely don't know how to do make up for my life. All I do is eyeliner and mascara, and sure that's fine. but i mean, for special occasions, i want to know how to make myself just a BIT nicer looking, ya know? And we all know that you gotta master makeup applying for asians, cause it's COMPLETELY diff on asians than on other people.
I realized that reconnecting with old people is a lot harder than it seems. Or, maybe the act itself isn't. but getting over the fear/effort/all the such, is difficult. But I want that to be one of my goals. To reconnect with atleast one person.

I'm excited yet scared to meet new people in college. New people willing/wanting to get to know you. Something to look forward to, yes? But i feel like i'm missing out on the people that i already pass every single day. *sigh, iono.

I love those WOAH YOU JUST READ MY MIND moments. Such as when i put up blackbird as my status and garrett ims me with "WOAH I WAS JUST LISTENING TO THAT SONG THEN LOOKED AT YOUR STATUS". scaryyyy.
and today michelle joh just told me how she wants to go have a photoshoot, BEFOR
E i posted this post. woahhhh. It's great connecting with people like that.
WHEN IS OUR FIRST COFFEE HOUSE!? i'm getting very anxious for our school events to begin. Arn't we supposed to have atleast one coffee house each month? and movie night in december? love love love. I just realized, i havn't gone to any dances/football games/anything yet :[ lame.

I'm still pensive about my summer plans at the moment. I really want to go to europe, but don't know anyone that's going on the trip. I also want to go to asia, but am uncertain. I'm actually uncertain of what
ANYONE'S doing over the summer... :[ except that some guys are going to hawaii. That seems like fun, but i mean it's SENIOR SUMMER. don't you wanna do something BIG like EUROPE? europe europe europe. i feel like i should go to asia this summer since i went to europe last summer, but something inside of me is still craving europe. I'm jealous of cedric, he's going to japan in spring break and then france in the summer. Oh, how i wish i could do plans similar to that.



  1. i'm really mad because your picture doesn't show on my computer..

    the one you did for nathan?
    i want to see it!!

    taylor momsennnnnn <3
    she is so gorgeous.
    we need a photoshoot.
    and food runs,
    and shopping,
    and all the other stuff you mentioned. :)

    darn the sat.


    on my blog, i wrote about europe.
    then i saw your post.

    or.. vice versa?
    does that work?
    okay i shall stop.
