Sunday, March 28, 2010

That was short...

Indulgences: cooking a baked ziti, reading a cookbook, sleeping a LOT., not doing homework, shopping, blogs
Love: not talking about colleges, clothes...sigh., getting excited for other people's futures, denim, shoulder detail
Desire: this weird feeling to go away, to stop having to rush everywhere(i think the tension is making me die early), more bible knowledge, GET A JOB. DO IT NOW., less ignorance

title referring to both internet fast and this post.
the short internet fast went better than last year, to say the least.
i remember last year i said no aim or internet? and instead i just spent a magillion hours on my "email" talking to people through gchat.
this year, i actually didn't go on the internet. but.. iono the fast didn't really go as planned. I expected myself to dedicate a lot more time to God. But, i found myself sleeping a LOT. instead?
So, I guess i shall try again sometime soon.
the fast, was a tad cleansing. Just, not to expectations, ya know?

It's been about four and a half months. yes, i've been counting. I'm still waiting, and wondering how long it'll be until this ends.

i dropped about 140 dollar yesterday on clothes. i havn't been shopping in a while. i feel really extremely guilty. and to make it WORSE, my dad was talking about how we don't have enough money for me for college and we gotta take out loans.

I need to get a job. I need to stop saying that i need to get a job, and actually start getting/filling out applications and submit them. let the job hunting commence!

that's all folks.

i wish i was european.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for internet fasting (: I'm going on one for the month of in a few more days...hopefully I'll have a more productive month of cleansing hehe

    Good luck with job hunting!

    And by the way, is it just me, or does the appeal for cooking seem to go way up around this age? I've noticed that you've taken a liking to food and such too (x

