Friday, March 9, 2012


This is Tanya. I guess you can say she's my bestfriend. ;) Her birthday's coming up! :D Oh, and please stare at her weird shoes. You're welcome. (:
Indulgences: visiting friends at their apartment once, valentines night, eating out way too much, spending too much money, going to the bonfire, tripping out on 'druggy' glasses, going to Heat, going to the gym a couple of times, not feeding my roommate, way too much fastfood/mcdonalds, bloglovin, lookin,
Desire: paint my nails, a break, to actually enjoy the classes i'm taking, for my roommate to clean on a regular basis and actually contribute to the apt, productivity, passion, to thrive, more details in my life, courage, to break out of the irony(tv), to mature, a solid friend at riverside, to reconnect with friends at home, to decide, to read my books, some reflection time, to start my journal, to get my stuff done, organization, enough energy/time to concentrate on everything i want/need to in life
Listening to: Angus and Julia Stone
LoveOut of the Box85 stitched into 1 Super Dancer, the voice, those moments where the wind stops blowing and your skin soaks up every ounce of heat it can, that moment where I came to terms with the crazy wind, those craves for art and inspiration, those dumb small realizations, the feeling i get when someone compliments how nice/homey my apt is, marchesa

I had a weird dream the other night.  I woke up and I could tell that I was on the verge of crying.  I felt these pangs of sadness, fear, regret, anger, and confusion.. all at once.  I couldn't understand why I felt that way and what made me feel this way.  All I could do was shower, brush it off, kick it to the back of my mind... And know that it'll slowly creep it's way back into my life sometime or another.

On another note:
I'm hating on the weather right now. SUPER WINDY and FREEZING one moment, next moment it's BURNING hot!
AND riverside has THE worst air pollution and i'm feeling it.
i miss pv and it's clean crisp air. and it's normal/regulated weather. *sighhh.

That's it for now,

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