Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"You have bewitched me, body and soul"

Coveting: Skills, of any sort. Art class. British or Australian accent. SKINNY skinny legs. Gossip Girl set wardrobe.
Love: The Beatles. The complexity of art. Epiphanies. Oreo Klondike bars. My pink blanket+huge body pillow.

So, a couple of days ago I started to go into the sort of mode where I listen to music on repeat OVER AND OVER again. Mainly Beatles' songs like Elenor Rigby, Hey Jude, the more popular ones; and Ingrid Michaelson, You and I, Be Ok. I realized that I can spend countless hours just listening to music and singing, and not doing ANYTHING else. it's kind of REALLY strange. Such as. Right now is 7:25... I'm pretty sure I got home at around three... and the only things I remember doing are eating, attempting to learn guitar, and singing. that's it. for four and a half hours? oh me oh my. What in the MADNESS.

I don't like people that don't let other people get in their opinion or word.
just saying. I feel like if a person brought up an opinion, i would listen to it, and THEN respectfully disagree or agree. Not just automatically cut the person off.
Rudeness= Pet peeve. I like respectful people.

So instead of studying for tests or anything, I instead watched Pride and Prejudice yesterday. I've been meaning to read the book for quite sometime. It's sitting nicely on my shelf taunting me. But, I haven't seem to get around to it yet. After watching the movie yesterday, however, I think I might put aside some time and read it. Because the movie was absolutely beautiful. I can't even IMAGINE how the novel would be. I'm ecstatic.(: I wish people still talked in a similar manner as those in Pride and Prejudice. Their speech has such eloquence and power, that ours looks crude in comparison. I mean, I must admit, I am probably the epitome of California-talk. I probably sound like a total ditz in person. or ACTUALLY, I've been told that I talk like a guy so... *shrug. I actually despise how I talk.
I hate commercials during movies that play on tv.

I want to learn how to cook really extremely fantastically well.

My mind is everywhere, and I cannot seem to make it concentrate on one matter. It's going all wild, thinking random thoughts. I wonder how my sister is doing in Hong Kong. there's a typhoon there at the moment. :[ I hope she's alright, stuck with all the crazy nerds over there.

I need to take senior portraits... damn. 1.my hair is going to be too long once it's time 2.i don't know what to wear 3.i seem to always look HIDEOUS for pictures that matter. seriously. My license is a PRIME example. (man... i would definitely pay to get that retaken).
I don't like making fun of people. I feel uncomfortable when people point something out to me about someone (intentionally trying to make fun of them).
I don't understand why I'm so awkward.
Whenever I pick up the phone i always get told... "Heather..? is that you? what happened to your voice? nooo, this isn't heather, you're voice is so highhh" -.-x

So see that picture up there? That picture is actually in my house somewhere. I didn't really notice it until a year go or so. I realized that i love it. I always look at it and wish that I was that girl. (I'm lame, i know.) but, it's just so overly adorable and romantic. I hoping to dress up like that with a future boyfriend someday, possibly on some Halloween or something? Who knows.

heather. <3
"less than three!"

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