Thursday, January 28, 2010

Goodnight Moon

WOW. if you havn't seen the moon tonight, you're definitely missing out.
IT'S A HUGE HALO and if you look really close at the halo, it's a RAINBOW. it's simply breathtaking and so increadibly perplexing at the same time. for those of you who are missing it. here's a picture i found on the internet of not the one tonight but another one.
So, i was EXTREMELY confused and curious of how this happens, and luckily, my friend sent me a passage from google:
moon halos are caused by tiny ice crystals that have gathered twenty thousand feet above the ground, as thin, wispy clouds. These clouds are so thin, you might not notice them at night, if it weren’t for their effect on the moonlight. Incoming light rays from the moon are bent, or diffracted, by these ice crystals at an angle of 22 degrees. This means that in addition to the direct moonlight, you will also see diffracted moonlight in a circle 22 degrees away from the moon. This is about the distance of your fist, held at arm’s length. Like a rainbow, this halo can even be slightly colored; red on the inside, and blue on the outside.

so, just for you guys who were curious.

I think that this year has been a large sky year.
I didn't realize the extent of how amazing the sky could be until this year, i think. Often, I enjoy the sky, but this year has just been MAGNIFICENT. from meteor showers, to AMAZING sunrises and sunsets to this moon halo.
I'm simply speechless at God's amazing works and am constantly reminded that He's there. He's working his wonders in

just a HADTO blog sort of subject.


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